Archives Catalogue

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Publicity Records
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Press Cuttings File 1

This file contains press cuttings about the following themes and productions: Chung Ying's early development

Press Release for Mobil Children's Festival

The folder includes: speeches by Mr. K.R. Wark, Chairman of Mobil Children's Festival, and Mr Nicholas James, General Manager of Hong Kong Arts Centre, and press release titled "Easter Delights In The Mobil Children's Festival"

Press Records

consists of press releases for promoting and announcing productions and general activities of Chung Ying. Press Releases have been collected and arranged chronologically by year, and by production.

Press Cuttings File 10

This file contains press cuttings about the following themes and productions: Donkey's work, I am on Hong Kong, City of Cats, Fantastic Fairground, The Chinese Legend:The Dragon's Disciples

Press Cuttings File 11

This file contains press cuttings about the following themes and productions: Monster Man, Pinochio, A Mid summer night dream,

Press Cuttings File 12

This file contains press cuttings about the following themes and productions: Life's theatre, Three letters, Ally Sloper's Half Holiday, The Legend Of The Dragon Pearl, Looking For a Man

Press Cuttings File 13

This file contains press cuttings about the following themes and productions: A Dangerous Game 1987-88

Press Cuttings File 14

This file contains press cuttings about the following themes and productions: 1988-89 Hong Kong Dream, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead

Press Cuttings File 16

This file contains press cuttings about: Peacemaker, Mobil Children's Art Festival, Chung Ying's early history

Press Cuttings File 17

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: Susumu's Story, Fun-Fund Auction, 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, Council for the Performing Arts Funding, Primary School Touring, 89/90 Season

Press Cuttings File 18

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: Comic Trilogy, Windigo, Susumu's Story, Peacemaker, 89/90 School Touring, Family Planning Association Workshop, Young People Theatre, School English Drama Project
Results 1 to 20 of 127