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Programmes and Publicity file for 1993/94 Season

The file contains programmes and publicity materials from the following productions:
Chung Ying Studio Shorts '93' - Taxi Driver, Skin
Monkey See Monkey Do
Ah Mew's Move
Story-telling Time & Story-building Time
Monkey See Monkey Do
Opps! Back Again!
Don't Let Go!
Killer Instinct

Programmes and Publicity file for 1994/95 Season

The file contains programmes and publicity materials from the following productions:
Mom Said It's Time To Emigrate
Chung Ying Studio Shorts '94' - The Dinosaurs, TOTO, Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Xiao Long Wen Lu
Story-telling and Story-building Workshops
Open Sesame!
Peeping Into Life
The School & I (in Cantonese)
Old Master Q
Mom Said It's Time To Emigrate
Old Master Q (Re-run)
Forever Yours

Programmes and Publicity file for 1995/96 Season

The file contains programmes and publicity materials from the following productions:
Chung Ying Studio Shorts '95'
Forever Yours (Re-run)
Old Master Q
Hong Kong Memories
The School & I (Studio version)
Journey To The Next Millennium
McMug! Looking For Invisible Man
Paradise Hotel
Countdown Eighteen (Re-run)
Spring Fever Hotel
Part-time Angel
Results 41 to 60 of 474