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Programmes and Publicity file for 1986/87 Season

The file contains programmes and publicity materials from the following productions:
The Fantastic Fairground
Twelfth Night
The Chinese Legend:The Dragon's Disciples
I Am Hong Kong
To Whom It May Concern
Hobsons Choice
World Of Wonders
Spring Fever Hotel
Donkey Work
A City's Pressures' - The Coffin is Too Big For The Hole、No Parking On Odd Days

Press Cuttings File 12

This file contains press cuttings about the following themes and productions: Life's theatre, Three letters, Ally Sloper's Half Holiday, The Legend Of The Dragon Pearl, Looking For a Man

Press Cuttings File 13

This file contains press cuttings about the following themes and productions: A Dangerous Game 1987-88

Press Cuttings File 5

This file contains press cuttings about the following themes and productions: Monster Man, Hobson's Choice, Emperaor & Nightingale, Insect World, The Threwing of the Shew, The Chinese Legend:The Dragon's Disciples

Press Cuttings File 11

This file contains press cuttings about the following themes and productions: Monster Man, Pinochio, A Mid summer night dream,
Results 61 to 80 of 1319