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Publicity Records
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Press Cuttings File 61

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: The School & I, Tin Shui Wai, Our Bad Magnet, Cultural Field, The Last Bet Of My Dead Aunt (06/07)

Press Cuttings File 62

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: Cyrano De Bergerac, Tin Shui Wai, The School & I, Music in the Green City, Hysan, 2007 Past Artist, Happy Connection, Swan on the Line of Disappearance

Press Cuttings File 63

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: The Last Bet Of My Dead Aunt, Les Miserables (Re-run), Tuesdays with Morrie (06/07), La Luna

Press Cuttings File 64

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: La Luna, For You Are With Me

Press Cuttings File 65

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: Chung Ying, Music Factory, Christ JOHNSON/ Rupert CHAN, 08/09 匯藝坊, Women in Tin Shui Wai, Government Policy, Others, KO Tin-lung (Book Fair Committee), Actors' Interview, Yuen Long Theatre 10th Anniversary, KO Tin-lung (Youth Workshop), Elizabeth WANG, Flowers for Algernon, Book Fair

Press Cuttings File 66

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: Kwai Tsing Theatre, miscellaneous

Press Cuttings File 67

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: Tuesdays with Morrie, The Legend of Mulan, The Insect Play, The Last bet of My Dead Aunt (Re-run), school touring, Tuesdays with Morrie (Macau), educational progromme in Tin Shui Wai, Freshly Frozen School

Press Cuttings File 68

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: Tuesdays with Morrie, Freshly Frozen School, A Funny Thing That Happened on the Way to the Forum, 09/10 Seasonal Launch, 17th Hong Kong Drama Awards, KO's Coverage, Columns by KO, Interview (KO), Free Books (KO), 08/09 Press Releases

Press Cuttings File 69

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: Tuesdays with Morrie/ Music in the Green City/ Insect Play, Tin Shui Wai Project, The Way We Grew Up, 燈光下的圍城, 校園藝術大使, Julius Caesar, Interview (Past Artist & KO), Freshly Frozen School, The Legend of Nu Wa, Theatre Newbies

Press Cuttings File 70

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: 校園藝術大使, Tuesdays with Morrie/ Cultural Field, The Legend of Mulan/Cultural Field, KO's Coverage, Others

Press Cuttings File 71

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: The Miser, Theater Newbies, The Legend of Nu Wa, Kids at Room 2009, The School & I/ Freshly Frozen School, La Jeunesse of the May Fourth Movement, Les Miserables

Press Cuttings File 72

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: Old Master Q, Tuesdays with Morrie, Frankenstein

Press Cuttings File 73

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: Echoes of the Tieshizhi Hutong, Christmas Messages, LUV, 天使心/ The Last Bet Of My Dead Aunt, Dracula, Tuesdays with Morrie, Flowers for Algernon

Press Cuttings File 74

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: Sham Shui Po Oral History Project, The Last Bet Of My Dead Aunt, Tin Shui Wai Project, 學校藝術培訓計劃, Dracula, Tuesdays with Morrie, Amadeus, The Merchant of Venice, 兒童戲劇課程, Cultural Policy/ WKCD, The Underpants, Flowers for Algernon

Press Cuttings File 75

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: La Jeunesse of the May Fourth Movement, Flowers for Algernon, The Merchant of Venice, Director Stage: Director Workshop & Open Lecture, Topsy-Turvy Family, The Underpants, CHUNG King-fai, Tuesdays with Morrie, Amadeus, Anti Youth Drug Programme, 兒童戲劇課程, Cultural Policy/WKCD, Interview (Past Artist), Others

Press Cuttings File 76

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: Queen's College, The Elephant Man, Sunbeam Theatre, All Fools, 3 Idiots, An Inspector Calls, Major 9 Performance Groups, Florence HUI, 林三立, Others

Press Cuttings File 77

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: LUV, Death and the Maiden, Exit, Not A Dreamer, Oral-History-related Press, Theatre-related Press, The Big Big Day, Subsidies, 22nd Hong Kong Drama Awards

Press Cuttings File 78

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: Sky 100, The Miracle Worker, Tuesdays with Morrie (11th-run), Writer's Block, Anthony WONG/ Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Rupert CHAN, Joey TSANG/ Babyjohn CHOI/ VONG Tin-Ian

Press Cuttings File 79

This file contains press cuttings about the following productions or programmes: The 39 Steps (2013), The Big Big Day, Searching for Papa, The Happy Prince, Christmas Message, Dogg's Hamlet, Cahoot's Macbeth, Writer's Block, Outreach & Education, Subsidies, The 23rd Hong Kong Drama Awards, Others
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