Archives Catalogue

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Programmes and Publicity file for 2006/07 Season

The file contains programmes and publicity materials from the following productions:
The Last Bet Of My Dead Aunt
Proper Cantonese Pronunciation Performance
Music Factory
The School & I (3rd-run)
Les Miserables (Re-run)
Music In The Green City
Our Bad Magnet

Company History

  • CH
  • Series
  • 1980 - ?
The records include documents of Company anniversary celebrations, recreational activities, history of Chung Ying, awards and gifts made to the Company, biographical files for Chung Ying staff and associated individuals and records of the Company archive.

Programmes and Publicity files for 2018/19 Season

The file contains programmes and publicity materials from the following productions:
The Mircales of The Namiya General Store
Go Go Ghost (Re-run)
The Memorandom by Vaclav Havel
Education Theatre
Fly Me To The Moon
Confucius: Revisited (Macao)
Calming the Chaotic Seas
Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
Results 1 to 20 of 1319